Davies Chirwa with the U.S Troops.
Davies Chirwa is the Founder, and the Film Director for Channel A TV. Among other several Community Development Projects, Davies Chirwa has been Producing the Annual Black History month celebration at Fort Lewis McCord Joint Base for the U.S Troops. His Productions for the Solders include Black History Education, Quiz, Poems, Live Music Performance, African Fashion Show and Traditional Dance to enhance the African heritage. State Official representatives and local community leaders always attend these prestigious celebration.

Due to Davies’ selfless commitment to such a high quality Productions, he has been recognized and honored for his leadership by the Troops as presented by Colonel from the 17th Brigade of the McCord Joint Force Base. Some of the Official who have attended these event include City Councilor, Mr. Greg Taylor, Dr. Maxine Mims, Dr. McIntyre, Chie Nana Agyeman and various high ranking officials from the U.S Troops.

- Davies Chirwa at the McCord Joint Forces Base in Lakewood, Washington.

- Davies Chirwa introducing the Troops during the Production of the Northwest African Queen Pageant.
- Davies Chirwa taking a moment to chat with Solder at Fort Lewis.