If you are you follow Fashion from Seattle Metropolitan, you probably have heard of the name LYDIA DELOACH. Here is what Lydia had to say as she sat down with us at CHANNEL A TV.
“I am thankful to have worked with so many wonderful people and companies since I started, and am truly blessed to be able to continue. I moved to Seattle in 2002, traveled a lot as a child, and am happy to live and call such a beautiful place with so much diversity my home.”
Having had the opportunity to move around so much I did overcome a good amount of racism, and like many people was bullied a lot. I would like people reading this to know that even models and actors get bullied, it doesn’t matter how smart, talented, or even beautiful a person may seem. We also have traumatic incidences that happen throughout our lives. I know what it feels like, it’s horrible, so please if you are being bullied be strong and let someone know. If you see someone being bullied (if it’s safe) stand for them, or tell someone who can help. If you are a bully I’m sorry for what someone may have done to you and if you’re just a bully to be a bully… Please stop, please find a different way to feed your ego.

I prefer not to delve too personally but I do want to thank my family and small amount friends for their support, love, and time. Some advice to other models and talent:
Don’t wear yourself out, remember time for yourself, your education, family, and friends. When all you focus on is your career, the amount of bookings, and making face time, the industry can become stressful and not enjoyable.
If you want to be part of the industry watch your attitude you never know who is listening to you gossip and complain or who is watching you being rude, leave a mess or misbehave. There are only so many big names in Seattle and word gets around fast; I have booked gigs based on other models being fired for attitude or misbehavior.

Practice, Practice, practice…. Modeling now involves a lot of acting, many people don’t want just a model they want someone who can emote, shut up, and follow directions. Practice your emotions and poses in the mirror, practice improve with friends. If you see a friend do something commercial worthy ask them to do it again then you do it, if they support your career they shouldn’t have an issue with it. Practice your walk, if you find yourself feeling it, or if no ones around STRUT. When it comes down to it you should even be practicing the way you eat and talk for audition purposes. In the industry you are your biggest weakness, others will always have something to say, you will be turned down. There will be times you are too short or tall, too thin or too thick; It’s all in the way you handle it, know who you are, love yourself, make the best of you.
Ladies decide what you want to do in the industry, if starting young limit skin exposure it’s easy to go there but almost impossible to come back from. Wearing bathing suits and lingerie can be art, but you have to make it so. Be mindful of your posing and who you shoot with. “I’ve learned over time I have no power over others and not to expect much, but if I work hard towards my goals, spend my time wisely, and fill my life with people whom I treat well who accept and love me I can look back and know that every moment whether sad or happy was worth it.” Peace and Love to you all – LYDIA DELOACH.