The TEEN TALK SHOW PROGRAM is hosted by YOSEPH DIALLO and co hosted by ELIJAH JOHNSON. The Program showcases everyday issues teenagers face in our community. Our main goal is to provide life skills – helping enhance our youth’s ability to take responsibility in making healthier choices, resisting negative pressures, and avoiding risky behaviors. We have group sessions that are youth based, confidential, interactive, and participatory, not only focused on transmitting knowledge but also at shaping attitudes and developing interpersonal skills. We provide encouragement and identify resources that nurture positive thinking and healthy decision making.
The show’s staff and featured guests consist of adults and teens from various backgrounds. The filming is done weekly at 3:00 PM at the PUGET SOUND ACCESS Studios and aired on Comcast CHANNEL 77 on Fridays and Saturday evening. The teen talk show is focused on our growing youth of today, and how teenage early misbehavior can have a huge impact on defining their future. The show gives teenagers a chance to speak out on issues they face everyday. The show also include dramatization of selected topics including various social issues teenagers struggle with and further explore the causes and offer solutions. Among other topics, Teen choking games, Sex, fears, life loss challenges, bullying, theft and racial discrimination have so far been tackled. The discussions directly focus not only on the awareness of concerning issues in the community but also provide tools and resources for solutions.
While similar in format to other nationally known television talk shows, it is our belief that we can all benefit from this great opportunity into exploring, and improving the communication between teens, and parents or guardians.
CHANNEL A TV Presentation: As Seen On TV Interviews.
TV HOST: Yoseph Diallo .
FEATURING: Marlene Lopez (Model/ Dancer/ Actor).
PROGRAM: Teen Talk Show.
TOPIC: Community Development Youth Program.
TV CHANNEL: Comcast Channel 77.
LOCATION: Kent, Washington.(U.S.A).
Channel A TV 2013 (c) All Rights Reserved.