Channel A TV

In 2020, the Legal Foundation of Washington was proud to partner with immigrant-led community organizations, the Governor’s office, and the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to establish the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund. Channel A TV and its partners played a key role in bringing awareness to this project to the community.

The fund provided more than $60 million in economic relief to individuals and families significantly impacted by COVID-19 but ineligible for federal stimulus funds or unemployment benefits because of their immigration status. Applications for $1,000 direct payments (up to $3,000 per household) are now closed. Learn more about the fund at

LFW was part of the fund’s management team with 11 immigrant-led community organizations, along with DSHS and Seattle Credit Union. Our role was administrative, acting as the fund’s fiscal agent, providing contract management and technical assistance, and assuming responsibility to ensure the overall goals of the fund are met. Our community partners were in charge of the criteria, reviewing and approving applications, distributing money, and keeping personal information safe:

These organizations led a coalition of more than 400 organizations across the state, including LFW, calling to create the fund in response to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on immigrants and the exclusion of an estimated 250,000 people in Washington from federal relief due to their immigration status. Governor Jay Inslee announced the allocation of CARES Act funding to this effort in August 2020, working with the coalition to establish and execute the fund.

Support for immigrant communities is a core part of LFW’s commitment to creating fair access to civil justice for all. In 2020 LFW granted nearly $5 million to organizations providing legal aid and advocacy for immigrants, including our coalition partners at the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, Colectiva Legal del Pueblo, and Fair Work Center.

We deeply appreciated this opportunity to work with state government and so many incredible organizations to help extend more support to those who need it most.

Frequently Asked Questions (learn more at

ENGLISH: (Applications now CLOSED)

If you’re an immigrant living in Washington State, you aren’t eligible for federal stimulus funds or unemployment insurance due to your immigration status, and you’re experiencing hard times because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you can apply for the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund. If your application is approved, you could receive a payment of at least $1,000. It is not a loan, and you will not have to pay anything back. Your information is safe and protected: it will never be voluntarily shared with the government or ICE. The public charge rule should not apply for this fund. You can apply or get help with your application in multiple languages. The application is open from September 19, 2022 to November 14, 2022. It’s always free to apply.

To apply, visit If you want to get free help with your application, you can contact one of the community organizations listed on the website, or call [your organization’s number, or 844-620-1999].

SPANISH: (Applications now CLOSED)

Si es un inmigrante que reside en el estado de Washington, tiene al menos 18 años de edad, no es elegible para recibir fondos federales de estímulo económico o seguro por desempleo debido a su estatus inmigratorio, y tiene dificultades debido a la pandemia del Coronavirus, puede aplicar para el Fondo de Asistencia Debido al Coronavirus para Inmigrantes de Washington. Si su aplicación es aprobada, podría recibir un pago de, por lo menos, $1,000. No se trata de un préstamo y no tendrá que devolver este dinero. Su información está segura y protegida: no se compartirá nunca intencionalmente con el gobierno o con Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE). La regla de carga pública no se debe aplicar a este fondo. Puede aplicar u obtener ayuda para la aplicación en muchos idiomas. El plazo para aplicar comienza el 19 de septiembre de 2022 y termina el 14 de noviembre de 2022. Aplicar es siempre gratuito.

Para aplicar, visite Si desea obtener ayuda gratuita para su aplicación, puede ponerse en contacto con una de las organizaciones comunitarias que aparecen en la lista del sitio web, o llamar al WAISN a 1-844-724-3737 o 844-620-1999.

Channel A TV Community Advocacy Projects
Channel A TV Community Advocacy Projects

Payments for $3,075 went out in the mail in February to all approved applicants. If your application was approved but you haven’t gotten your money yet, or you’re having a problem with the check or card, don’t worry! We’re still here to help. It may take a few weeks, but we will work to fix any problems and get you your money. The best thing to do is to call our helpline at (844) 620-1999 and leave a message.

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