The historic Miss African Union Pageant has been conceptualized as a prestigious international event, bringing together representatives of a wide range of communities and cultures from all over the Globe; from the world’s most culturally diverse state, our delegates aim to share common values and foster international friendship and understanding.

The Vision of the Pageant is embodied in the legacy of the African Women, as the birthplace of humanity, the oceans of nourishment, the springs of life, the powers of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth and the backbone of the community. The African Woman I was yesterday introduced me to the African woman that I am today, which makes me strive and excel for the African woman I will become tomorrow.

The purpose of the Miss African Union is designed to build relationships with other women who are working diligently to leave a positive impact in their communities; bridge the gap between Africa and the Africa diaspora, advocate for humanitarian issues in Africa, be the voice of the voiceless, project a positive image of Africa to the rest of the world; cultivate personal career goals,. These women are forward thinking and motivated to not just talk about change, but to conceptualize and execute a plan of action.

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