Channel A Tv has an urgent purpose to bring the much need HIV/AIDS awareness to the Community. These special Outreach Projects are designed to improve HIV/AIDS health information access for patients and the affected community as well as their caregivers and the general public. Emphasis is on providing information resources and tools for health and medical information in a way that is meaningful to the target community, and increasing the awareness and utilization of various media and online health medical resources in the HIV/AIDS community.

- Information Retrieval: To provide or improve access to media and electronic AIDS– and other health-related information resources.
- Skills Development: Training to develop skills in accessing or using HIV/AIDS-related information including the use of online databases and general AIDS information resources in order to improve services and benefit the community.
- Resource Development: To support other community based organizations to meet the needs of their clients or communities by developing specific educational or informational materials such as culturally or language specific fact sheets, bibliographies, guides or other products.
- Document Access: Access to HIV/AIDS-related documents and other types of health information including media through various social networks.

March 10 | National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day The National Women’s Health Information Center U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health |
March 20 | National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day The National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC) |
May 18 | HIV Vaccine Awareness Day National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) |
May 19 | National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day The Banyan Tree Project |
June 8 | National Caribbean-American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day The National Planning Committee |
June 27 | National HIV Testing Day National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) |
September 18 | National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day The AIDS Institute |
September 27 | National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day The National Association of People with AIDS |
October 15 | National Latino AIDS Awareness Day The Latino Commission on AIDS (LCOA) |
December 1 | World AIDS Day World AIDS Campaign |
HIV/AIDS Awareness Days
February 7 | National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day The Strategic Leadership Council |