Hatched: April 21, 2005 Hospital: World Bird Sanctuary, St. Louis Species: Augur Hawk (Buteo Hawk) Wingspan: Approximately...
Channel A TV Media coverage for the U.S Navy immigration naturalization ceremony in Seattle during Seafair 2016.
WEDAY Seattle Editor: Dina Phinney, Directed By: Davies Chirwa. WE Day is a celebration of youth making...
Empowering Young People to Change The World Directed & Produced By: DAVIES CHIRWA WE Day is a...
Thandi Chirwa, a eleven year old TV Host for Channel A TV was excited for the opportunity...
Cam Newton the recipient of the NFL league MVP award, made it clear he believes race is...
Author: Dina Phinney, Photo Credit: Brian Cox and Directed By: Davies Chirwa. What does PRO BOWL mean...
For a band that’s known for their somewhat morose music, Coldplay sure are cut ups. Chris Martin’s colorful sense...
Deion Sanders is an American athlete who played professional football and baseball and is the only person...
Hilary Clinton‘s Campaign rally at Rainier Beach High School in Seattle, WA. Photos and Video Caption By:...
Channel A TV Behind Scenes Media Report for Super Bowl XLIX
Bobby Sena chosen by the NFL as the 2014 SuperKid At 12 years old, NFL Play 60’s...
During the U.S – Africa Leaders Summit, Channel A TV had an opportunity to interview the U.S...
Trailblazing Seahawks running back Derrick Coleman, Jr. and his NO EXCUSE Foundation is welcoming all Seahawks fans...
Reported By Juliet Dang for MODE MAGAZINE & CHANNEL A TV. Photos & Cinematography Directed and Produced by...
SATYA NADELLA Satya Nadella is Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. Before being named CEO in February 2014,...
George E. Moose, vice chairman, was a career member of the U.S. Foreign Service, where he attained...
Channel A TV Produced by DC PRODUCTIONS was selected to be the main Media outlet to cover...
Night Light Live Radio Host CHARLES HOLMES hosted CHANNEL A TV Founder and President, DAVIES CHIRWA at...
President Barack Obama and Mrs Michelle Obama cordially invited African Leaders for dinner to the WHITE HOUSE....
France Women National Soccer Team holds their own against The U.S.A
US and France Women’s Soccer Teams practice day before match up Reported By Crystal Brown , Directed By Davies...
Sydney Leroux signs autographs for fans and talks to Channel ATV Reported By CRYSTAL BROWN, Directed By...
Seattle and the Seahawks Have Their Day at the White House “We’re here to celebrate the first...
Seattle Theatre Group (STG) presented the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at The Paramount Theatre in Seattle...
APLUS Changing The Game Breakfast The APLUS (Academics Preparation Leadership Unity Sports) Youth Program held its 5th Annual...
Before OPRAH or any other mainstream media covered this unique true story, CHANNEL A TV Founder and C.E.O...
Microsoft YouthSpark Reported By Crystal Brown. “Microsoft YouthSpark is committed to helping young people capture opportunity. They...
Testimonials from the 10th Annual Fresh Aroma Ministry Prophetic Conference in Dallas.
Channel A TV Staff received NFL Media Credentials to welcome the Seattle Seahawks as they landed in...
On Tuesday, January 14th, the defeatHIV Community Advisory Board (CAB) sponsored a community event; “THE WORD ON...
A humble Malcolm Smith entered a room full of photographers and journalists, less than 12 hours after...
Channel A TV Founder Davies Chirwa caught up with the reigning Miss America, Nina Davuluri as she...
CHANNEL A TV was one of the official Press featured on the 2013 Seattle Night Life Awards...
The Seattle Majestics are a amateur Women’s American football team based in Seattle, Washington. The Seattle Majestics play in the Western Conference, Pacific...
If you are you follow Fashion from Seattle Metropolitan, you probably have heard of the name LYDIA...